domingo, 31 de enero de 2016

reported speech


1.Why did you design that name to your brand?
It was because the creator , Adolf “Adi” Dassaler, used the first letters of his name (Adi)and also the first letters of his surname (Das).
2.How much money do you earn with all your production?
However in the past Adidas suffered a lot of crisis, this brand gains actually 14534 millions of dollars approximately.
3.How many years do you think that your brand will last?
Adidas expects to be the most popular brand of the next years around the world.
4.When did you begin with this brand?
We have been working in this brand for 67 years.
5.In a near future will you think in changing your logo?
In a near future we haven’t thought of changing the logo because we changed it 10 years ago, but we never known. Maybe in a further future we will change it again.
6.How do you choose the prices to value your articles?
To introduce the prices what we have done is to compare them to other brands and establish a relation quality-price.